le year, I performed my d (by jimgreen0024)

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. a cup of tea, company.... Or you could lie on the sofa- any way you would be with us.... Zossimov will be there too. Will you come?" "No." "R-rubbish!" Razumihin shouted, out of patience. "How do you know? You can't answer for yourself! You don't know anything about it.... Thousands of times I've fought tooth and nail with people and run back to them afterwards.... One feels ashamed and goes back to a man! So remember, Potchinkov's house on the third storey...." "Why, Mr. Razumihin, I do believe you'd let anybody beat you from sheer benevolence."

.. One feels ashamed and goes back to a man! So remember, Potchinkov's house on the third storey...." "Why, Mr. Razumihin, I do believe you'd let anybody beat you from sheer benevolence." "Beat? Whom? Me? I'd twist his nose off at the mere idea! Potchinkov's house, 47, Babushkin's flat...." "I shall not come, Razumihin." Raskolnikov turned and walked away. "I bet you will," Razumihin shouted after him. "I refuse to know you if you don't! Stay, hey, is Zametov in there?" "Yes." "Did you see him?" "Yes."

"Did you see him?" "Yes." "Talked to him?" "Yes." "What about? Confound you, don't tell me then. Potchinkov's house, 47, Babushkin's flat, remember!" Raskolnikov walked on and turned the corner into Sadovy Street. Razumihin looked after him thoughtfully. Then with a wave of his hand he went into the house but stopped short of the stairs. "Confound it," he went on almost aloud. "He talked sensibly but yet... I am a fool! As if madmen didn't talk sensibly! And this was just what Zossimov seemed afraid of."
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Par jimgreen0024 le jeudi 17 mars 2011


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