. Follow the five tips be (by jimgreen0024)

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Now he has walked away a little, and is standing still, pretending to make a cigarette.... Think how can we keep her out of his hands, and how are we to get her home?" The policeman saw it all in a flash. The stout gentleman was easy to understand, he turned to consider the girl. The policeman bent over to examine her more closely, and his face worked with genuine compassion. "Ah, what a pity!" he said, shaking his head- "why, she is quite a child! She has been deceived, you can see that at once.

Listen, lady," he began addressing her, "where do you live?" The girl opened her weary and sleepy-looking eyes, gazed blankly at the speaker and waved her hand. "Here," said Raskolnikov feeling in his pocket and finding twenty copecks, "here, call a cab and tell him to drive her to her address. The only thing is to find out her address!" "Missy, missy!" the policeman began again, taking the money. "I'll fetch you a cab and take you home myself. Where shall I take you, eh? Where do you live?" "Go away! They won't let me alone," the girl muttered, and once more waved her hand.

"I'll fetch you a cab and take you home myself. Where shall I take you, eh? Where do you live?" "Go away! They won't let me alone," the girl muttered, and once more waved her hand. "Ach, ach, how shocking! It's shameful, missy, it's a shame!" He shook his head again, shocked, sympathetic and indignant. "It's a difficult job," the policeman said to Raskolnikov, and as he did so, he looked him up and down in a rapid glance. He. too, must have seemed a strange figure to him: dressed in rags and handing him money! "Did you meet her far from here?" he asked him.
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Par jimgreen0024 le jeudi 17 mars 2011


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