this scornful reflection (by jimgreen0024)

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.. And indeed... indeed..." "I tell you what," cried Raskolnikov, raising himself on his pillow and fixing his piercing, glittering eyes upon him, "I tell you what." "What?" Luzhin stood still, waiting with a defiant and offended face. Silence lasted for some seconds. "Why, if ever again... you dare to mention a single word... about my mother... I shall send you flying downstairs!" "What's the matter with you?" cried Razumihin. "So that's how it is?" Luzhin turned pale and bit his lip. "Let me tell you, sir," he began deliberately, doing his utmost to restrain himself but breathing hard, "at the first moment I saw you you were ill-disposed to me, but I remained here on purpose to find out more.

"So that's how it is?" Luzhin turned pale and bit his lip. "Let me tell you, sir," he began deliberately, doing his utmost to restrain himself but breathing hard, "at the first moment I saw you you were ill-disposed to me, but I remained here on purpose to find out more. I could forgive a great deal in a sick man and a connection, but you... never after this..." "I am not ill," cried Raskolnikov. "So much the worse...""Go to hell!" But Luzhin was already leaving without finishing his speech, squeezing between the table and the chair; Razumihin got up this time to let him pass.

Without glancing at any one, and not even nodding to Zossimov, who had for some time been making signs to him to let the sick man alone, he went out, lifting his hat to the level of his shoulders to avoid crushing it as he stooped to go out of the door. And even the curve of his spine was expressive of the horrible insult he had received. "How could you- how could you!" Razumihin said, shaking his head in perplexity. "Let me alone- let me alone all of you!" Raskolnikov cried in a frenzy. "Will you ever leave off tormenting me? I am not afraid of you! I am not afraid of any one, any one now! Get away from me! I want to be alone, alone, alone!" "Come along," said Zossimov, nodding to Razumihin."
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Par jimgreen0024 le jeudi 17 mars 2011


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